Tuesday, January 02, 2007

Let's Do This Thing

All right, kids, it's the vacation post. Each day gets one sentence. This is for posterity, not pretty prose.

The week kicked off with Schreier's eighth crazy night party on Friday, where Brad and the high school folks collided and compared notes about Cat's new exercise program, "pirates."

On Saturday I trained into Slave, chilled with the folks, and bounced right back to the city to see a totally awesome "Company" with V, familiar-looking debate boy on the side.

Sunday started with crosswording with V at Slave and finished with a very solid Seven Jews/Seven Woks/Seven-Thirty Christmas eve...albeit with only six Jews.

Christmas is a slow day in, well, most of the Western world, so Monday was low key, with a trip to Jacob Burns to see Volver with the fam and a chips-n-guac-fueled watching of the Jets' first victory with Dad and Adam.

Natalie and I meant to get some shopping done on Tuesday but emerged from the Westchester empty-handed, but at least we had some fun adventures on Central Avenue and a meal at Villagio before I saw The Good Shepherd with Mike L and nearly saw Mike L in The Good Shepherd.

I woke up back in the city on Wednesday but soon met up with Mom and Natalia for a Tennessee Williams play with a gorgeous, gorgeous actor who wouldn't let me take a picture of him (pshaw!), followed by a shockingly-good vegan dinner and terrific Bond movie with Lauren and Will.

I walked up to the Guggenheim on Thursday to see the Spanish painting exhibit (I <3 the Spaniards), after which Brad and I got overpriced Indian food then had a lively conversation with V over beers in ::shudder:: Murray Hill.

Friday held a nice Thai lunch with Mike L, where we ran into a cute boy he sorta likes, then I saw Children of Men with Will (the via Brad one), and the eve topped off with Greg's birthday party, which included cool kids (yay, Sam) and...a cute boy he sorta likes.

Saturday brought a long-overdue visit from Meremurti (woot!) and a just-plain-long walk from Brooklyn to my apartment so she (and I, and our buddy Thomas) could get a taste of New York.

Meredith wanted to see St. John the Divine for L'Engle-related purposes, so on Sunday we went to the Hungarian Pastry Shop (and the church, yeah yeah), and after we departed I headed to Adam's for Saturday's puzzle and Sunday's Jets victory before I prepared awesome deviled eggs for the fun New Year's Eve potluck at the Frushticks' great, new-ish place.

The weather blew on Monday, so I was a bit low energy while doing the puzzle and meeting up with Greg and V for a late-afternoon showing of the slightly disappointing Dreamgirls, followed up by Thai food and a far too rough night of sleep.

Well, there you go! Now my life of leisure is over, and I return to the grind. As long as I get a little sleep tonight, all will be well.

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