Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Look Here, Don't You Know My Face?

Hey, check it out! There's a blog here. Who knew? Apparently not me, for a while.

At first it was pure laziness, because I did have plenty to say. Thanksgiving break was absolutely lovely. It started off with a perfect meal with V at Jean-Georges--I was dreaming about that foie gras for days afterwards. Fuck you, geese. Revel in your hideous pain. Your liver is delicious beyond belief. Seriously, now; have you had foie gras? It's unbelievable. It's, like, several cuts above any other food in the world. I can't even describe it...it's like a warm chocolate truffle that isn't overwhelming in its richness and has the natural hearty feeling of meat. The texture...Christ, it just melts. And then later that weekend I had my H.S. reunion, which was lovely. I said hello to my homies and found out what's been up with them (one even reads the blog; woot!). Afterwards (Much afterwards, actually. As is my way, I left around 11 pm, and this happened after 1:30.) I went to Therapy with Mike L. and Alisa. That was fun and relaxing and had the space and lack of ear-busting noise that the reunion wanted for so badly.

Since vacation, well, life's seen its better days. I've been operating on the "If you don't have anything nice to say..." principle, which is why you haven't heard much from me. Suffice it to say my family and friends and my relationships with them are all doing just dandily, and I haven't been sick. Infer away.

In any case, it's Daily Show time. I'll try to be better in the future.

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