Saturday, October 14, 2006


I was at the coffee shop, attempting to read a beautiful book, which is beautiful more because it's insightful and thought-provoking and less because it's a fascinating story. Unfortunately, insightful and thought-provokig doesn't work that well with a deadline.

I looked up at the man sitting in front of me—white, 30-something, sexual orientation non-obvious—and saw that he was making a list. I couldn't read his monitor that clearly, but I saw that the list heading was "My fxxxx." What was that second word? It looked most like "fiance," but that didn't seem like a very good list title at all. So I looked at the items. The first one I saw was #13: "Age." What kind of list would have "Age" as an item? Then slowly, I began to make out others. #14: "Work." The first item started with an A and was a long word. #1: "Abandonment." #15: "Ugliness."

Ah yes. "My fears."

Good to know.

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