Friday, August 11, 2006

Voyeurism 2.0

I don't even need to admit it; you already know exactly what I'm doing right now. Yup: I'm analyzing the AOL searches of the 650,000 unfortunate (and rather silly) AOL customers who had their search data accidentally released by their ISP. Oh, AOL...keep digging. Just keep digging.

I've thus far been pretty disappointed with the AOLers...well, maybe disappointed's the wrong word. I have a pretty low opinion of most AOL users anyway. But still. Most importantly, nobody searched for me! Come on people. I know you're all grandmothers who can barely figure out how to use the internet, but please, learn a little about my awesomeness. It couldn't hurt. And forget about the fact that nobody serched for Seed Magazine. With that attitude towards learning about science and culture, it's no wonder you're getting ripped off. However, there are a few redeeming/amusing people, and I'd like to tour through one of them. Just to profile a random dude.

This fellow starts out nice and easy with searches for "citibank" and "palm springs," moving quickly into searches for "frank serio." Damned if I know who he is. Searches follow for "vegan new york" and different travel planning sites. He goes to craigslist a bunch (throughout the whole search list) and then looks for "gay hotel south beach miami." Sounds like a good time, 5278294. "William Mann:" Wikipedia tells me he's a gay author and historian. Then we start on Israel searches, culminating in my favorite, toward the end of the search period, with inquiries on "gay sherpa." Oh, now we find out that the infamous frank serio died in palm springs and appears to be having a funeral there. That would explain the hunt for the gay hotel, I suppose. Now he's searching for "tattoo" a lot. Unclear whether he wants one or likes them on other people. We get into searches for "nude male models." I think 5278294 and I have a lot in common. Ooh, and he likes "alex lundqvist." EXCELLENT taste. He looks for "the honeymoon is over musical." It looks (from my own searching) like that's a song from a Bert Lahr vehicle called "Foxy." For whatever reason, he looks up about 20 different rivers. He looks up "1945 andrews sisters hit song" (again, great taste). "The owl and the pussycat poet" (edward lear), "homeric sea," "swiss child psychologist jean." He goes on to search tons of people who seem to photograph male nudes (still very nice) and finally goes for "bath house san diego." Please be safe, 5278294.

And then that's just about it. There you go...a few months of someone's life in searches. I feel like I know this guy. He's gay, cultured, probably a little on the older side, web savvy. Be my friend, 5278294.

Now I'm going to see if I can hunt for a sicko. Voyeurism 2.0! Woohoo!

By the way, this is the 100th post on this blog. Rejoice.

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