Saturday, October 29, 2005

SCOTUS? You don't even...

But first a correction: It was subtly brought to my attention that I may have sounded just a little bit like a pompous ass in my last post. I just want to call out the bit, " I can space out and fantasize and think until the cows come home." There really should have been a very, very strong emphasis placed on "fantasize" there.

Need I say more?

Probably not, but I'll go on for just a little bit longer. I did have a period toward the end of high school where my question of the period was, "When you're not thinking about anything else, what do you think about?" I utterly disbelieved that everyone else in the world wasn't just thinking up sexual situations sitting on airplanes or walking between classes or brushing teeth. But I seemed to be wrong: very few people do that. And what amazed me more was that people didn't have another reasonable answer like: "I think about being rich and famous!" or "I dwell on gossip" or "I think of lovely non-sexual stories" or even "I ponder the mysteries of the universe." Nobody seemed to have an answer for what they thought about when they weren't doing work or watching TV or talking to friends. Weird. If anyone has any input as to your default mindset(s), please give it!

Now on to the court. I know all the indictment hogs were excited this week, because the indictments were the news. But let's not forget that Harriet Miers resignation will have FAR more impact and import than the (admittedly totally fun) indicting. Not that she would have necessarily been confirmed, anyway. But let's keep our eyes on the prize. Who will be the next justice? The buzz is on (Sc)Alito and Luttig (whom, I'll be honest, I had never heard of before this process). But for the past two nominations the buzz has been so completely wrong it's funny. ha. Is there a shot in the dark candidate coming through? Does the white house just want to get this over with (and pick another totally qualified, unquestionably conservative white male) or do they want to keep trying for a woman or minority? Is it to their benefit or detriment to keep this going on for a long time? Well, probably not their benefit...but it might not hurt them in the long run to just keep nominating until they get what they're looking for. Or Sandra Day O'Connor actually dies, or something. That would suck for all involved.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hope it's not TMI, but when I'm not thinking about anything in particular, what comes to mind is nearly always God, sex, politics, or some combination thereof. You Are Not Alone. ;-)