Wednesday, October 05, 2005

Flaccid Ejaculation?

It's coming on Friday...the soft launch!

My four articles are edited and ready to run. Today I gathered images for our photography section and found out about getting rights for them. Tomorrow we create a soft launch invitation list...will YOU be on the list? If you're reading this, you're almost certainly on the list of people I will try to give access to, although it's possible the list will be more limited than I'm expecting. I mean, I plan on trying to get about 40 of my closest friends and relatives into our beta testing group.

There are also a few sciencey events that I'll be going to for the group...I'll watch the Igs tomorrow (hopefully with Adam), in case anyone wants me to report on them, then I'll go to this Sloan science film festival this weekend, and Monday I'll go to Frans de Waals talk on primates and personality. And I think tomorrow I'm going to buy this book on, for one, chronicles the development of a fetus in terms of the different capabilities it has at every point from conception to birth. I totally need that. Also, I've decided I really want to write a focus piece on all of those studies that claim that there's higher abuse in households with same sex parents...and the studies that specifically say there's not. I mean, of course I'm wildly biased on this one, but I don't think that means I can't do objective reporting. Like, painful, "tell me the precise methods you used every step of the way...yes, both of you" reporting. I can be irritatingly objective when I want to be.

OK, Daily Show time...but I'll talk about Dan Savage's new book soon. I just finished it and I'm kind of blown away.

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