I really should be carrying a journal around with me. Some of my best thoughts, as far as I can tell, happen when I'm sitting around and staring into space or driving. And then I always forget them when I come to write in my blog. So, at the risk of causing accidents on the Bronx River, I should get me a journal. But I'll do my best for now.
Today I went wine tasting with Vaughan. While the day was a little low energy due to the oppressive weather and early hour of arousal, I, of course, had an amazing time. The wineries themselves were great. Every building we tasted in was beautiful, but some were more glorious than others. Taking the cake was Raphael, whose large rooms, Mediterranean feel, magnificent views, and gorgeous furniture only served to highlight their superb wines. The first place we went to, Jamestown, I believe, was also a highlight. The building was a bit rustic, all wood, and the man who gave us the wine was friendly and informative. He and V had a good little chat about the supreme court ruling on wine importation (or something of the like) and he told us a bit about the long island wineries. The wines, in general, were very good. I think over the course of the day I actually developed a taste for Merlot and discovered Cabernet Franc, which is bold and fruity (much like a flamer in the deep south). I also honed my still fairly dull ability to pick out tastes from wine. The first one I discovered was pepper. It's a really strong smell, and it is peppery, but I wouldn't have placed it as such today. I can also get the plum/cherry/blackberry taste and can smell fruit and flowers a bit. I'll need some more work before I can name the percentages of each ingredient.
We also met a crazy and/or--emphasis on the and--drunk woman in one of the wineries. Apparently she plans on opening a dessert place on the end of the island. And she wanted to call it something silly like the "just at the edge dessert plaza." The wine man suggested "On the Edge." Vaughan and I said that sounded a little suspicious, but she assured us that they all had multiple personality disorder there, so it would be accurate. So I suggested "Off the Edge." She decided to compromise at the awful-mental-image-conjuring "Straddling the Edge." I whispered to V that that sounded like a name for a bisexual bar. She also seemed to have a very specific idea of what my relationship to V was. I believe she thought we were dating but we hadn't been dating for long. When she asked me if I was in any kind of therapy (do you get how she's crazy?), I told her that I was in therapies both dermatological and headache-preventional. And, I added, my headache prevention medicine could act as a mood alterer in higher dosages. Vaughan asked what it was, and I told him, and the woman seemed shocked that I would tell this man the name of my medication, like he would be scared away by it. Clearly she doesn't know many Jews and Catholics.
And the day outside of the act of wine tasting was lovely as well. Of course the two hour car rides flew by as we sang to Vaughan's ipod playlists...his "singin in the car" playlist reigned on the way there, and I did most of the picking on the way back. We had a nice listening to the uptempo songs from that great work of theater, On the 20th Century. Ah, the joys of belting "Babette" driving down the highway. The pleasures you may never know. Hanging out with Vaughan was great...even if the conversation stalled a little more than usual. Social genius, that man is. Some of the potential readership of this blog is, too. Social savants know not their strength! Use your power for good.
OK, I had more to say about not feeling like I own my intelligence...but I may have discussed that already, can always come back to that in the future. For now, you have the summary of today.
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