Friday, November 05, 2004

The Dirtiest Secret

Since I'm not advertising this address, I feel comfortable putting my most recent deep, dark secret up here. Don't tell anyone, please, but this was a very good week.

I know! I know! I'm a horrible person. The worst thing in the world (besides personal tragedy) happened: George W. Bush was reelected as the President of the USA. I lost my faith in my fellow man almost completely. All of my thoughts about the self-centeredness and blindness of human kind were confirmed. He was elected with a mandate, so he can do pretty much whatever he wants, and he has the senate and house to back him up. We have several supreme court justices who may not make it through another four years, and Bush will be sure to appoint people with his values (i.e., psychos) in their stead. Iraq may or may not degenerate into a complete disaster. The draft may or may not (I actually believe him when he says it won't) be reinstated. Roe v. Wade may or may not be overturned. We may or may not get unyielding contempt from the rest of the world. So that sucks.

But somehow something happening so strong and so outside myself made it a good week. Something bigger than I shook the campus and the country, and all of a sudden it didn't really matter that I have no sex or romance in my life, or that I don' t know what the hell I'm doing next year. And I actually gained back a bit of my sex drive (helps that I'm ovulating), so I'm feeling pretty good.

I've been photographing beautiful people for Rumpus, which is awesome. So many guys with nice faces and BEAUTIFUL bodies. I think they might have helped my sex drive, too. I've been feeling a little bisexual lately...don't know if it will pass, probably will. Oddly enough, it's not at all sexual...more just finding girls attractive as people to be emotionally intimate with. Yet I can't help but define it as a sexuality, even though the thought of physical intimacy isn't appealing. Whatever...I'll ride. Men are still hot...and have far and away the more attractive genitalia. You have to see that. Even if you like women, I mean, please...

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