I've been bad. I've been very, very bad about updating the blog. I could make excuses, but I'll just try to be better this time around.
So I moved last month. It went relatively smoothly, save some unfathomably
dickish security deposit withholding from the old landlord. I still don't have the (too large) deposit back, and he legally has 60 days after the lease ends to get it to me. Then I pounce. He has never before met an enemy of my strength, intelligence, determination, and intolerance for
douchebaggery. Soon he will fall, and perhaps he will be punished, and then he won't be so damned quick to try to get out of anything he owes anyone.
The new place is awfully cool. The
roomies rule, as I suspected, and my box in the wall is coming along nicely. I still have a rug on its way that won't arrive until the middle of April, but the hotness builds. I dig the environment of the 4-bed; I wasn't sure I would. It's lively and puts less responsibility on me to interact when I don't feel like interacting. Rock on.
Also, I've decided to try my hand at an, um, unspecified standardized test. Which isn't to say I necessarily want to go where the
UUST leads, but I'm considering. (If that statement wasn't full of ambiguity, it was edited after I made a decision. Shh!) I seriously rocked out on the first
UUST I took, but I didn't do nearly as well on the second. My pacing was off.
Garr. In any case, it's an extremely concrete goal, which I'm interested in having right now. You can do a few very good things with a degree from
UU school...in any case, we'll see.
I went last week to see Spring Awakening with Greg and V, cool dudes both. I had very mixed feelings about the show, and I'm almost ashamed to admit that some of it stems from an instant disgust with diva-
ish teenage girls, even if they're talented and don't seem all that caught up with themselves. I also liked the individual phrases of the music a lot, but I don't think they came together to make fully coherent, performable songs. It was a cool play to adapt, though, and the rocking style of the music connected nicely with the 19
th Century German style of the script. And it was totally sexy.
All right, I'd better get
crackin' on this whole tax return thing. I have more time tonight than I've had in a while, and I plan on using it wisely. Namely by watching
SVU and American Idol and Comedy Central. Excellent.